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R E V I S T A D A E S P M – MAIO / JUNHO DE 2006 Abs tracts ENGLISH A FRIENDLY ADVICE TO BUSINESS: LOOK AT THE MIRROR! FRANCISCO GRACIOSO pAgE 22 We all know of the yearly struggle between large corporations and tens of thousands of applicants for what seems like just a few openings for trainees. The lucky ones are put to follow first-class courses in executive excellence, which will eventually lead to successful careers with the company. The author contends that not even the best courses have the same value of good examples within the corporation, and advises management to test the standards of their initiation programs against the company’s everyday practices. Does it seek unity through diversity? Is the company’s mission compatible with a young person’s lifetime ideals? Is participation stimulated by open debate and free expression of opinions? Ralph Waldo Emerson said, a long time ago: What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say. LEADERSHIP AS A COMPETITIVE FACTOR FÁTIMA MOTTA pAgE 28 Nowadays, leadership is one of the major competitive edges for any company. The article proposes a reflection on four items which are indispensable for global leaders, who are capable of understand the importance of people and recognize their own roles as transformers and influencers of behavioral change and the pursue of human fulfillment. The first one is focus definition, or how to make sense of a cause so that people will choose to embrace it. Second is the leader’s own enthusiasm: to be able to vibrate with the importance of the process and the sight of success. The third factor is the certainty that the development of people is what impels and sustains all of the business. And good communication is the fourth one, as it pervades all the others and will assure under- standing and commitment from all concerned. EDUCATION FOR LIFE OR FOR A JOB? CÉLIA MARCONDES FERRAZ pAgE 38 To prepare individuals to live in society, with the consciousness of the importance of their roles, high moral standards, plus the abilities to perform their professional tasks – these are, perhaps, the major objectives of all educational institutions. With this in mind, the author analyses the contribution that companies have given to the betterment of people, since the incept of capitalism – from traditional training programs to today’s corporate universities. It also draws a parallel between the efforts of businesses and the professional education provided by public and private schools, during the same span of time, to reach the conclusion that a professional education geared exclusively to the fulfillment of jobs is no longer an appropriate answer to society’s major demands. THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE AS A COMPETITIVE FACTOR EDUARDO NAJJAR pAgE 50 Discourse improves with practice. During the last few decades, everywhere, it has become evident that people are the major asset of all businesses. The author purports to show this organizational reality, starting with a historical view of human relations. And poses the questions: What is each manager’s share in the responsibility of attributing value to the human factor? And what is this strategy producing in actual corporate results? To better illustrate his points, the author quotes a study conducted by professor Alexandre Gracioso, which brilliantly proves that human motivation is a factor both in increased net margins and in total profits for the enterprises surveyed. 110 I A D A E S P M – JANEIR / F VEREIRO DE 2008