Revista da ESPM JUL-AGO_2009
A impiedade dedutiva do Sr. Thiry R e v i s t a d a E S P M – janeiro / fevereiro de 2009 152 Abs tracts english Prohibitions toadvertising gearedat infant/teenaudiences Denise Fabretti page 20 The purpose of the article is to analyze the legal and ethical aspects which involve the activities of the civil society and State sectors in the sense of fighting what has conventionally been called “excessive consumerism” and to exploit child naïveté by means of advertising. Based on the legal analysis of proposals that are being discussed by the National Congress and at ANVISA (Brazil’s equivalent of FDA) concerning the creation of new rules for this type of advertising and, also, of some social movements, it is possible to conclude that the alert as to the dangers or harms arising from the consumption of certain products is not due to the censure, but rather due to the advertising itself which ethical and legal contours have already been set by the State and by society. The forceof habitversus the habitof force Stalimir Vieira page 32 No law is capable of preventing the complicity between the emptiness generated by the feeling of a lack of sense in life – and the capacity of us fooling ourselves – with the possibility of it being furnished or disguised by pleasures that neutralize our anguishes. Thus, trying to tame advertising, by means of moralist postulates, is like trying to maintain smoke trapped in a cage. Advertising, as all philosophical expressions, is intangible and free by nature and, for the same reason, there is no way – without being restrictive, dictatorial and violent against human condition –, that may try to submit it to coercive vocations. Advertisingandmarketing inthemetaphysical horizon Marleine Paula Marcondes and Ferreira de Toledo page 36 Advertising is a persuasive discourse and man a mimetic animal. Advertising in itself is not good or bad. It promotes goods and ideas. In fighting false or damaging advertising, many professionals have already done their part, by upholding ethics.The target audience has already found support in social control. But the pluralism of Post-Modernism, coupled with nominal and philosophic agnosticisms, is an ally of advertising – with no commitments towards ethics. Social control is not enough to work around its influences. Sound judgment is necessary, which can only be achieved through philosophical instruction. The dangers of Persuasion and miming are fought with ethics and metaphysics. Children, teen-agers andmedia: what are the facts? J. Roberto Whitaker Penteado page 42 Since products and services of all kinds are part of people’s lives, Marketing &Advertising activities are always evident – and, sometimes, the professionals of such sectors are attributed with “special powers” to influence the behavior of human beings.The author observes that both disciplines are sets of techniques, based on knowledge, which receive contributions from a vast range of elements from other areas, and briefly describes them. In sequence, he analyzes an article by Dr.Victor S. Strasburger, anAmerican Pediatrician, containing critical observations relative to the media’s influence upon children and adolescents – that seem to confirm the difficulty that specialists from other areas of expertise have in dealing with the theories of communication and market behavior. Communicationand consumption: is citizenship at risk? Maria Aparecida Baccega and Gisela G. S. Castro page 56 This article presents a critical reflection on communication and consumption within current culture. By discussing that it is necessary to go beyond the stereotypes and prejudices that obliterate the reflection on this topic, we base ourselves on theoretical contributions of various authors to highlight the multiple facets of consumption in modern times. It is evident that the socio-cultural practice of consumption, common to various social segments, collaborates in building identities, as ways of being and existing in the world.When defending the right to consume (including the consumption of cultural products) as a fundamental right of citizenship nowadays, it is argued that the practice of citizenship involves the critical capacity and willingness to actively participate within the social context. Marketingas plainas it is… Anna Gabriela Araujo page 62 ABMN – the BrazilianAssociation of Marketing and Business, in partnership with the research institute Ibope Inteligência, reveal the profile, forms of activity and the challenges of current and future marketing professionals in Brazil. Conducted between the second half of 2008 and the month of February 2009, the survey was divided into two phases. In the first, a quantitative survey identified three types of marketing professionals: the precursors, who correspond to 36% of those interviewed; the disseminators (35%); and the doers (29%). In the qualitative phase, wide-ranging interviews held with eight marketing professionals revealed three types of organizational configurations: centralized; segmented; and generalized structure.The detailed results of this study are presented in the article. Themarket belongs tothe newge- nerations – as ithas always been… Percival Caropreso page 68 The author uses his experiences in the area of creativity in advertising in referring to the young professionals of today – pointing out that the most successful panel at the last Cannes Advertising Festival had, as the main topic, the future of the planet and of the human race.The creation of a movement to pressure world leaders to sanction effective measures in fighting climate changes and social inequalities was discussed, in the form of a campaign focusing on the greatest advertisers for this purpose. He also registers that the IV BrazilianAdvertising Congress dedicated a specific Committee to the topic:What can our industry contribute towards the transformations that our world and society are going through? – which recommended that agencies and professionals do more than just produce attractive and touching voluntary social campaigns.The Committee recommended that agencies and advertising professionals stimulate the establishment of a responsible culture of consumption, as well as practical attitudes towards a culture of life, peace and respect for the environment and human rights. A culture which values moreWHAT I AM thanWHAT I HAVE. These recommendations make sense in our current world, since there is much more at stake than just the future of the business and the Advertising profession, professional life, or the career and success of today’s youth. Themarketingandtragedy of commonplace Edmir Kuazaqui page 70 Based on the research and studies of Friedman, Srour, Hardin and the experience of the author, the article proposes (with short cases as illustration) a reflection and the discussion of the influence of marketing upon society. It seeks contextualization together with the reality of social responsibility, and highlights the need of ethical conductions in all corporate businesses. It intends – based on the expansion of its concepts – to instigate the need of social contribution and of the incorpora- tion of conducts, ethical values and social respon- sibility, all in the sense of making our personal and commercial relations sustainable with different interest groups. ulho / agosto de 2009
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