Revista da ESPM Julho-Agosto_2010
ABSTRACTS english R E V I S T A D A E S P M – julho / agosto de 2010 138 Brazilian Judicial System – qualities and faults IVES GANDRA DA SILVA MARTINS PAGE 28 The study presents a retrospection of the seven Brazilian Constitutions and their amendments, as well as their merits and demerits. In regard to the text of 1988, it stresses, mainly, the balance of powers adapted to a parliamentarian government and adopted by a presidential system. There is a comparison to the texts of our neighbors, as well as what reforms are needed (tax, social security, administrative and labor). No margin for error RAUL VELLOSO PAGE 32 The author describes the growth of na- tionalization factors in the Brazilian eco- nomy following the 1988 Constitution. He emphasizes the fallacy of “the social debt” and the new corporative pressures for the increase in current expenditures and in the tax liability in our Country. The consequences are awful. Besides reducing the public investments, the monetary and tax imbalance contributes to the fall of investments and to the reduction of economic growth He follows with a long analysis of the Brazilian reality after the “Plano Real” (Plan “Real”) and concludes that the “x” of the question resides in the obtainment of large primary superavits. But, after the 2008/2009 crisis, the current expenditures grewmuchmore than the Union income. On the other side, mainly in the last two years, the Federal government wasted precious opportunities of administrative and fiscal adjustments. As aconsequence, says the author, we are on the edge of a cliff. Any slipwill let the ratio between the public debt and the GDP grow to unbearable levels. Contrasts and opportunities of the public and private Brazil RICARDO SONDERMANN PAGE 42 Brazil lives the duality of two compe- tition systems. On one side, there is a powerful, enterprising, working Brazil, fighting daily to produce wealth and create jobs. There is, however, another Brazil, called public, dominated by governments and parties, working tomaintain its structure, demanding high taxes paid by all. The conservatismand lack of vision bar themof understanding that letting loose the cables will, finally, make Brazil a great power. Every day, the fight against the size and inoperability of the governments is fundamental, and 2014 will be a magnificent opportunity for change in the right direction. System of Brazilian Foreign Commerce: Analysis of the policies of the public and private sector EDMIR KUAZAQUI PAGE 58 The article intends to analyze and discuss the reasons and differences of the policies of the public and private sector in the context of the Systemof Brazilian Foreign Commerce. Historically, from1980 until June of 2010, it is evident the lack of consistency and continuity of industrial public policies, influencing what we pro- duce and consequently what we export.
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