Revista da ESPM Julho-Agosto_2010

julho / agosto de 2010 – R E V I S T A D A E S P M 139 In the private sector, we have an orientation towards an economic objective, derived from the mechanismof supply and demand in the national and international markets, strongly influenced by the need for increasing competitiveness. In this scenario, we also have the high tax liability that tries to democratize the economic results of the entrepreneur competence with the financial needs of the public sector. Public versus private: subsidy for the debate ANTÔNIO HENRIQUES PAGE 64 It is not really necessary tomake an excluding choice between public and private. Bothmay andmust be partners in projects. The public sector needs directors to bemore administrators and managers than politicians. The state needs an external control, to allow a faster administrationwithout diversion and corruption. On the other side, the private sector needs to be regulated by the State looking at the public interest. Bothmust join forces in collaboration, for the economic and social development. Have you asked today: What’s going on here? LUCIANA FLORÊNCIO DE ALMEIDA PAGE 70 To understand the relation between corporate performance, the operation of themarkets, and the role of the institutions is a challenge that moves many economists in the whole world. But there are some who have taken a different trail, other than the one adopted by the orthodox micro-economy, and here the work of Professor Mike Peng is included. From the ostracism to the pages of the economy books, the New Institutional Economy has tried to throw light to explain occurrences of the real world that could not be explained by the traditional books on economy. The key questionwhich gives the title to this article is: what´s going on here? By some examples, the article seeks to demonstrate that one of the challenges of the capitalist nations today is exactly to define the efficient measure between the public regulation and themicrocosm of the transactions. Inhabitants in no-man’s land GIOVANA ZULATO E MILENA FURTADO PAGE 76 The relation one sets with the space one occupies is one of themost important for one’s survival. Excluded from the society, the inhabitants of the street re-signify the only space they were allowed to occupy, the public space, transforming it in its “ place”, a private space. Living in the street becomes a deep change in the way to live and demands a return to some primitive behaviors, like the nomadism, lack of safety and the propensity to freedom. In this work, that involved interviews with inhabitants of the city of de São Paulo, we observed how these people confer ameaning to their “house” and succeed inmaking this surrounding a littlemore bearable. The individual creates with its symbolic objects of reference without the limitation of walls, without the foreseeability of tomorrow, in constant survival mode.