Revista da ESPM Julho-Agosto_2010
ABSTRACTS english R E V I S T A D A E S P M – julho / agosto de 2010 140 Itamaraty: an example of how all Brazilian public service should be LUIZ FELIPE LAMPREIA PAGE 82 The circunstances of our independencemade our neighbors, withwhomwe have huge borders, look to us withmistrust and sometimes hostility. Since Imperial times, there was always the obligation to provide the diplomatic service with the necessarymeans towell perform its mission. In Republican times, with the Rio Branco Baron and his successors, the Itamaraty was modernized as a career, always with the responsibility of demanding high cultural level for the admission of newdiplomats and to give priority tomerit as criterium for their advancement. But the best tradition of the Itamaraty is to knowhow to renew itself. Therefore, there is a growing need of specialized knowledge and a genera- list formation is no longer sufficient. Challenges, dreams and solutions Consideration about the future Brazilian sceneries GENTIL CHOJI NISHIOKA PAGE 88 The infrastructures of public services are chronically insufficient for the needs of the Brazilian population. With the additional demands stemming from the influx of athletes and visitants for the World Cup in 2014 and for the Olympics in 2016, “blackouts” might repeat. There aremore arguments against than in favor of success of the events. In the election year, the government has its focus on the presidential campaign, and reheats the promises whichwill be fast forgotten by the ones whomade them. Among the population, the very short term vision predominates. In the business world, few leaders think about global competition and their Nation. Others get busy to take advantages in the future licitations. Even so, there is no alternative of failure, the country will carry through the events Opportunity for the PPP´s – Public-Private Partnerships MARCELO ZOROVICH PAGE 94 The 2014-2016 partnerships reinforce the existing opportunities for Public-Pivate Partnerships, which have a relevant role in the ”rebranding” of the host-cities. The way a government benefits from its identity of local brand, and, especially, internationally being the host of grandiose events is essential for the investments in the country. There are alternatives for the PPPs to seek and execute solutions to build a long term legacy. It is well known hat the road is expensive, but if well managed, it might be one of t hemost efficient in cost-benefit that a government may assume. Part of the success will be in the PLANNINGof the government organs, jointly with the actions of the specialized enterprises in several sectors, mainly in regard to security, technology and all other bottlenecks associatedwith the infrastructure. The sectorial chambers of the Brazilian agribusiness ANTONIO HELIO JUNQUEIRA PAGE 112 In the disturbed environment of the present Brazilian public world –markedwith constant crises of efficiency, reputation and ethical conduct – the existence and the regular, proactive, and covergent functioning of the Sectorial Chambers, especially in the area of
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