Revista da ESPM Julho-Agosto_2010
julho / agosto de 2010 – R E V I S T A D A E S P M 141 ES PM agribusiness, should be seen as successfull and promising initiatives of integration between the public and the private sectors in the construction of sectorial policies which are opportune, efficient and generate competitiveness, sustainability, well-being, citizenship and social inclusion. Consisting of three- part permanent forums – where delegates of the government, capital and labor get together and interact – the Sectorial Chambers represent an opportunity of insuperable value for the institutionalization of mechanisms of dialogic production of normative agreements and social consensus. The management and financing of public TV MARIA CECÍLIA ANDREUCCI CURY PAGE 118 One ideal of public TV should contribute to the balance of the communication systemof a nation, functioning as a counter balance of the private systemand promoting the democracy and the citizenship by providing culture, knowledge and information in a universal, ethical and independent form, with high standards of programs quality. It does not look like a simple task. And, between the ideal and the real world, there is a tendency to be a universe of imposibilities. Two variables impact more directly the feasibility of a public system of communication – its management and the sources of f inancing. In front of the scarcity of public resources, advertising is showing to be one of the alternatives of financing. Facing the scarcity of public recourses, propaganda is showing as one of the forms of alternative financing. However, it is, in fact, far frombeing a social consensus. Public and private, the unavoidable way of the agribusiness JOSÉ LUIZ TEJON PAGE 124 The real examples in the Brazilian agribusiness speak for themselves. The successes have always had the best management, dialogue and interaction between the public sector and the private entrepreneurism. The failures of several well intentioned projects on the other hand, had as principal reasons for the bad results, the absence of ethical leadership and of the necessary vigilance of the society. However, good or bad, the rule of the history of agribusiness in the Country has always been the good or bad junction of the interests developed between the private and public sectors. We couldmention hundreds of cases of success, like in theMunicipality of Lucas do Rio Verde inMato Grosso, where an intelligent dialogue already exists between the public administration and the private sector. The cases of failure, which serve the critics of this possibility, have in the leadership agents, public or private, the principal reason of the deviations, bad intention and of the rule for failure. In a Country where it is more expensive to take one ton of soybean from the central and central-west Brasil to Santos than fromSantos to China, it is impossible to keep going without a newdialogue, seriousness and ethics among the components of the society. It is not new, but it has to start being well done andwith the cause of the Country above all.
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