setembro / outubro de 2010 – R E V I S T A D A E S P M 109 ES PM communication media as a whole – but the future projects serious difficulties for newspapers, magazines and radio. “Mediamorphosis”: how to rescue a vanguard role? SANDRINE LAGE PAGE 64 No other sector like the media shall influence in such powerful way the manner of thinking of people, in general, and of the politicians, in regard of the priorities of social responsibility and of sustainability. Therefore, for this reason, the communicationmedia should be in the forefront. In front of the present crises, shine the journalists who propose solutions as an instrument by which the knowledge is transmitted. In this article, based on the book “ Sustainability in media: the power of “(in)forming )” (Envolverde, 2009), the case-study of The Guardian is outstanding. Because we are in a time particularly challenging to the media organizations – and to the journalists –, it their role in the thought and in the formation of the movement to reach a sustainable balance for society is crucial. The question is what more could or should the media do. The future of journalism DAVID KLATELL PAGE 84 Famous journalism professor discusses the uneasy relationship between journalism schools and universities, which now have spread to many news organizations. The universities did simply not believe that journalismwas more like a trade than an academic discipline. Recent facts complicate the topic: ( 1) Journalism schools are springing up all around the world and are very popular with students; ( 2) Journalism industry is changing at a very fast pace with the technological breakthroughs and government policies; ( 3) Public trust in – and dependence upon – journalism has become uncertain. Why, then, with all the suspicions, so many schools are springing up? This question is answered in detail and he proposes additional questions and provides good answers. The professor gets then to the heart of the matter: the challenge for journalism education today is to determine whether they can do more than train the employees of the future. Can the best schools play an important role in explaining the value of robust, brave, independent – and yes, – financially sustainable professional journalism? Can they produce journalists who are ready to think outside the box? Will journalism schools engage in public policy debates on telecommunications regulation, government transparency, secrecy, licensing and other matters? The professor concludes: if the end product is anything other than a better democracy, then our efforts will have been in vain. The best journalism schools in the United States and in Europe MARIANA VASCONCELLOS PAGE 88 Whenwe investigatedwhat does a good school of journalism, we found out that the characteristics are not always the same. Some invest in research, as it is the case of the University of Cardiff, of the United Kingdom, and the University of Journalism, in Lille, France, where a new research center investigates the influence of the technology on the profession. Others offer total immersion in the daily routine of the profession. The University of Journalism UAM- El País , inMadrid, offers classes with editors and active journalists. That is also the case of the German School of Journalism inMunich, where the students spend a large part of their time as interns. The University of Sheffield stands out with focus onmultimedia. Likewise, the American universities have a tendency to focus on multimedia, as it is the case of the University of California in Berkeley and the University of Columbia. Others, like the school of journalismof CUNY, challenge the students to be journalists and entrepreneurs. The new challenges of the journalism CARLOS ALBERTO MESSEDER , JANINE MARQUES PASSINI LUCHT, LUIZ FERNANDO GARCIA AND MARIA ELISABETE ANTONIOLI PAGE 94 To all who accompany the universe of the journalism in the last few years, it is evident howmuch it has been renovated by the technologies of communication and the new social demands. This requires new proposals of education of a professional able to move and create in a working atmosphere with new actors, new structures and especially new questions and challenges. In this article, directors and coordinators of the new graduation course of ESPM cover their perspectives of the future and the modeling of the new course. The formation of the ESPM journalist will include knowledge of economics, marketing, finances or even management of media enterprises. Journalism schools are emerging in various places, but what they offer is a program of studies in mass communication. The constant increase in reading frequency around the world creates a growing demand of information by the public, due to the easier and faster access to it, besides the globalization and other factors. Therefore, we need better educated journalists with wider vision and able to write about controversial matters. The larger news- agencies in the whole world created journalism schools to better prepare their staff to satisfy the public requirements and to understand the real value of professional journalism. But will the public be able to assimilate the benefits carried by a higher quality information?