Revista da ESPM - MAI-JUN_2007
R E V I S T A D A E S P M – MAIO / JUNHO DE 2006 Abs tracts ENGLISH THE MAGIC OF PACKAGING J. ROBERTO WHITAKER PENTEADO pAgE 8 Starting from basics – boxes, sacks, wrappings and bottles; and their variations – the reader is invited to take a trip through the many symbols, legends and fantasies which have been associated with packages throughout time. From the most famous surprise box of all, Pandora’s – a Greek legend related to the creation of the World – the author deals with the overt and hidden meanings of boxes to keep precious things, such as jewels and money; memories and sou- venirs stored in simple cigar or shoe boxes; genies-in-the-bottle; Santa Claus’ sack; the words to designate packaging in various languages; its presence in the human body, all the way to definitive wrappers such as coffins and shrouds... Packages are present in art, from the classical era to Warhol’s tins of Campbell’s soups, the environmental wrappings by Christo, and contemporary “installations” – as well as in architecture, music, literature, and poetry. THE NEW FRONTIER OF PACKAGING FRANCISCO GRACIOSO pAgE 16 The author briefly describes the important contributions that packaging has given to economy & business, and to the consumers’ quality of life. Many products have become viable because of packaging solutions. Then, he refers to the four strategic factors which are at stake in packaging activities within the company: product positioning, communication with customers, sustainability and the techno- economy of the product. Together, these four factors assume such importance, that they cannot be the responsibility of a single person or department. Packaging is no longer simply a marketing or logistic consideration, but has become an essential part of business strategies WHAT DO CONSUMERS THINK? PAULO CARRAMENHA pAgE 24 In the highly competitive area of brands, packaging is gaining importance as one of the elements which assures differentiation and attracts consumers’ preferences. As a rule, consumers do not dissociate the package from the product, and the sum of both – among other characteristics – is perceived as “the brand”. A package represents the public image of a brand, it “talks” to consumers and helps build a relationship, rational and emotional at the same time. Such is its new and important role: not only of containing, protecting, and securing the product’s quality but also as a conveyor of a wide range of attributes, rational and emotional values, associated with the brand, which are carefully built through time. INTEGRATION OF PACKAGINGWITHTHE WEB FABIO MESTRINER pAgE 28 A site is the product’s address, and packaging its visiting card. In the society of hyper connectivity each contact with a customer is valuable and unique. To extend this contact and deepen it – actually making friends with the customer – is a dream which the internet makes possible. Companies have learned the language of the net, and set up portals and interactive sites where consumers dwell in the product’s 112 I A D A E S P M – MAIO / JUNHO DE 2007
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