Revista da ESPM MAR-ABR_2007
R E V I S T A D A E S P M – MAIO / JUNHO DE 2006 142 I A D A E S P M – MARÇO / ABRIL DE 2007 CONSUMPTION – FREE WILL OR MANIPULATION? A PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE INFLUENCE OF ADVERTISING ON CON- SUMERS’ BEHAVIOUR JOYCE AJUZ COELHO pAgE 16 The culture of consumption and the development of communications have had a deep impact on the behaviour of individuals; and, as such, have been the object of studies in the field of social sciences. This article establishes a parallel between some anthropological and sociological concepts about consumption and three psychological approaches (behaviourist, cognitive and psychoanalytical), aiming at a reflection about the influence of advertising on consumers’ behaviour. MARKETING AND DIGITAL COM- MUNITIES: FROM DISCOURSE TO DIALOGUE MARCELO COUTINHO pAgE 28 The article discusses the growing impact of communities built around computer networks on the field of marketing communications, and proposes practical means through which companies may introduce their brands as subjects, in this form of consumers’ interaction. The factors contributing to the formation of traditional communities with common purposes, such as leadership, trust, interaction and feeling of belonging, may be adapted to the various for- mats of on-line communities (blogs, photoblogs, communal sites, social nets and virtual environment), as long as the companies involved take into account the peculiar characteristics of each one. The author emphasises that, for younger generations, on-line communities may be a means for marketing communications as important as traditional mass media. WHY DID RETAIL BECAME AVILLAIN? FRANCISCO GRACIOSO pAgE 40 The author draws an analogy between the spirit of modern retail and the nature of contemporary marketing, ever more nimble, quick and objective. To understand this new marketing it is necessary to better understand what retail is about, nowadays. To some extent, retailers have taken the lead on theirs sup- pliers as caterers to the needs and desires of the great mass of consum- ers who do not usually go to the big shopping centers.The author also stresses the roleof retailwhichgoes beyonda merepoint-of-purchase, tobecome centers of irradiationof brand image. THE DISCOVERY OF BRAZIL IN THE 21ST CENTURY: LOW-IN- COME CONSUMERS FÁBIO MARIANO pAgE 48 One important subculture has galvanised the attention of markets and media in the last seven years: low-income consumers. Nevertheless, knowledge and studies about this segment are still scarce. The traditional market-research surveys have all but ignored it, and yet they have acquired renewed importance. Low-income consumers are no longer dismissed as “the poor”. It was inevitable that pre-notions and myths would taint the view of business enterprise in general about this (and other) subcultures. The recent boom of the popular market, however, represents an opportunity to encourage new studies about the values and feelings of these new consumers, that go beyond simple statistics.The article proposes the use of ethnographic tools as a means for better understanding of the theme. WOMEN’S BRANDS: 45YEARS OF MAGAZINE ADVERTISING CECÍLIA RUSSO JAIME TROIANO pAgE 62 In business, one often looks toward the future to search for significant Abs tracts ENGLISH
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