Revista da ESPM MAR-ABR_2007

Orivaldo O. Gallasso M A I O / J U N H O D E 2 0 0 6 – REVISTA DA ESPM 143 MARÇ / ABRIL DE 2 07 – R V I S T A D A E S P M ES PM trends to follow. In this case, we looked back! The paper is the result of a broad yet meticulous analysis of the hand-on-hand evolution of feminine values and brand-oriented advertising from 1961 to this day. The study included 2649 advertisements published in Claudia magazine – in 4 business categories: food, personal hygiene, fashion and financial services. Guidelines for the study were: how press advertising evolved in the period, in which ways the image of women may have changed, and how did brands follow the leads. Much more than an exercise in nostalgia, the experience may held shedding a light toward the future. SHOPOLOGY – THE CONSUMER IN THE POINT OF SALE JOSÉ AUGUSTO P. DOMINGUES pAgE 74 The author explains Shopology as “a science which studies the behaviour of individuals as consumers”, trying to evaluate the processes that turn consumers into shoppers , and to assess, in depth, their mechanisms. Based on the premise that the supply of products and services is practically infinite, when compared to the income and purchasing capacity of individuals – and families – it proceeds with an evaluation of the contribution of Paco Underhill for the establishment of the new science. The conclusion states that Shopology, which, at first, seemed to be a rather restrict field of study, has shown itself as a broad field of work, with scientific and strategic aspects, which demand – on the part of its practitioners – solid academic background, as well as creativity, commitment and curiosity. FROM FLOCKS AND HERDS TO STYLE – SOME MODELS FOR UN- DERSTANDING CONSUMPTION PEDRO LUIZ RIBEIRO DE SANTI pAgE 84 The article intends to present five models to help understanding the phenomenon of consumption. “Consumers” may be appraised – historically – as an entity created by the productive process itself, as a means to dispose of production, and also as a subject in the process. In the latter guise, consumers are people who seek to be recognised by their peers as different, singular, with a self-style and/or belonging to a certain social group. On the basis of the article, stand several theoretical models, derived from the humanities (psychology, sociology, philosophy), all of which proclaim as false the idea that a consumer may be considered as an autonomous being, self-conscious and free to understand his desires and determine his own behaviour. STRATEGIES TO PERSONALISE COCA-COLA IN THE MINDS OF ITS CONSUMERS ROBERTA DIAS CAMPOS pAgE 94 The purpose of the article is to investigate appropriative practices, by consumers, of objects related to the product Coca-Cola, making them singular in life contexts and thus becoming ingredients for identity-building. Fifteen interviews were conducted, in depth, with persons between the ages of 14 and 77, belonging to the higher socio-economic class, and living in Rio de Janeiro. Objects, gestures and memories were presented to respondents – the first group in the form of photography. The owner of the largest collection of Coca-Cola memorabilia in Brazil was one the the interviewees. (His collection was the source of most of the photos). The different aspects of intrinsic and exchange values attributed to the objects were also assessed.