Sustentabilidade_Janeiro_2010 - page 181

2010 – R E V I S T A D A E S P M
global levels – taking into simultaneous
account economic, environmental and
social factors.Market+ society+
environmental resources: this is thekey
But it isnot aneasy task, as it requires
radical change inmentality.Modern
business has evolved rapidly in this
sense, greatly stimulatedby thedesires
and trendsof consumerswhoarenow
muchmoreconsciousof citizenship
values likeethics, justiceand transpa-
page 152
Howdobanksposition themselveswith
regard toenvironmental responsibility?
It is possible to note that todaywe
are going through a significant break
in general behaviour. However, like
any enterprise, financial institutions
have economic reasons for taking
decisions. One cannot state that all
decisions of banks in this direction,
supported by economic doctrine, will
exert a relevant part in the current
process of behaviour change. But,
one can be quite sure that the pace
of these changes, in part, depend on
how ourmoney is applied. One
cannot dissociate environmental
responsibility of banks from other
companies and clients in general,
including us, as search for better
environmental practices of the
financial sectormust be considered
as a direct functionof synergy
between all agents of the economy.
page 156
The current sustainability vogue can
guide consumers and companies
through a virtuous cycle to
guarantee our planet’s future.
Packaging can help, as it is an
important tool for sustained
development, but somemyths and
biasesmust be examinedwith the
objective of separatingwhat
“appears” sustainable fromwhat
effectively is sustainable.Many
believe that packaging is simply not
good for the planet and therefore
should be reduced or eliminated
altogether. It is true that toomuch
packaging causes unnecessary
impacts, but less packaging can
even beworse. Acquiring better
packaging depends onhow society
overcomes criteria relating to
sustainable, or non-sustainable,
materials. Each casemust be
studiedwith care. Even
“non-recyclable” packagings
have their space. Scientific
approachwill provide us
the answer we look for.
José Luiz Tejon
page 160
Concrete cases are revealing that
the new global order integrates and
brings together players and agents,
from bothproduction and consumer
areas, who alreadyworkwith
supra-regional or national means.
Formal and informal business ne-
tworks reveal an integration and
non-submission tomovements intent
on blocking exchange, changes
and physiological manipulations of
partisan political disputes. Advances
and setbacks are part of this dynamic
show. Past bookkeeping criteria indi-
cate a global GDP of nearlyUS$70
trillion.This sum is almost ridiculous
whenwe evaluate hidden nature
values, waste of material wealth
and loss of lives. It is just the tip
of a gigantic iceberg.
Themicroscope that reveals the
interior of this abundancewill
create, evermore, universalisation,
severity, or rules, of what is right,
andnew ethics, planetary values
and virtues. In other words, we
will not create newmanagement
tools in the XXI century designed
from the outside to inside, but
the other way round. In spatial
metaphor, onewould say, we
will not changemacrocosm
without interpreting and
respecting discoveries still to
bemade in themicro-universe.
Anthony Ingham
page 166
The importance of sustainability
and corporate social responsibility
concepts influence companies to
consider as an integral part of its
business strategy the inclusion of
business goals compatiblewith
sustained development of society.The
world economy is facing a profound
change, which introduces new
concepts to consider economic,
social and environment equilibrium
relating to individual and global sus-
tainability. Here, the superintendent
of Citi´s Corporate andCommunica-
tionAffairs, underlines in the article
the initiatives undertaken by the
corporation in strategically
supporting financial education,
diversity, sustainable finance and
socio-environmental investment.
By allying the belief that business
strength should go side-by-sidewith
collective aspirations, contributing to
the development of communities, Citi
invested in a partnershipwith ESPM.
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