O. Gallasso
m a i o
j u n h o
d e
2 0 0 6 –RevistadaESPM
page 18
Theprocessof internationalization
of companieshas createdaneed for
management teams that arecapable
tohandlecultural differences in the
global context.This, in turn, has given
rise to several typesof trainingand
preparation, althoughnotmuch is
generallyavailableabout such
experiences.The surveyhere
presented intends to shed some
light on theunderstandingofwhat
ismeant byculture, differenceand
interculturalmanagement in training
systems andalso in thepractical
experienceof agroupof exectives.
As such, it is aprimarycritical
analysisof intercultural practice in
thecorporatefield, so thatwemay
advance, later on, towards actual
case studieson specificcompanies,
aimingat clarifying the roleplayedby
organizationculture in this context.
Business clusters:
regional structure
geared to global
JoãoPaulo Lara
page 26
One of the basic conditions for an
enterprise to enter the international
arena is tobe able to compete
successfully against other global
players. For companieswhich share
geographic proximity, the Business
Cluster is an almost ideal set-up,
for competitiveness and ground
for expansion.The article presents
some example of Brazilian and
international business clusters, and
discusses aspects of
competitiveness, growth
capabilities, and conditions for
exporting goods and services
internationally. As an essay, it
presents concepts, the genesis,
characteristics andmain tools to
identify and understand the
comparative competitiveness
of this type of organization, also
taking into account its
socio-political and economic
relevance, and the growing
interest of researchers and
entrepreneurs about this type
of business structure.
The landing
of the eagle
page 36
This article presents a simplified
vision of today’s international
economic relations, in threemain
aspects: major currencies, the
international trade and the flow
of capitals. At the start, themajor
currencieswhichmake up the
exchange structure in theworld are
introduced.Then, it focuses on the
current imbalance of world trade: a
huge deficit in current accounts of
theU.S., whileAsian andMiddle
East countries run big surpluses,
with the consequence of a
continuing flow of financing from
the latter to the former.To alter this
picture, it will be necessary for the
dollar to be devalued in relation to
other currencies.What theworld
financial community is discussing,
now, is not whether this should be
done, but if it is going tobe through
a “hard” or a “soft” landing.
The impact of
globalization on
emerging countries
page 44
The impact of globalization on
emerging countries shouldbe
analysed upon the
understanding that this process is
associatedwith the expansionof
capital and technology in relation
to the growing economic
interdependence of nations.
Furthermore, the process causes
the divorce between economics
and politics; social aspects are not
properly taken into account and
economics thus become the sole
Another important aspect of the
d e
2 0 0 6 – Revista da ESPM