Revista daESPM – Setembro/Outubro de 2002
P. 9
This surveyon the imageof bothadvertisingandmarketing reveals some curiousaspects.Onone side, advertising is seenaspart of life in
Brazil, essential to activate consumption and the economy. Any eventual overvaluing of the advertised products are accepted as “natural”.
Advertisingprofessionalsareseenascreativeandwell informed, but alsosuperficial andnonethical, evenmercenaries. Thismaybedue to the
close relationship establishedwith the political campaigning at the time of the survey.
The image of marketing appears to be rather fuzzy, as the activity is generally not distinguished from advertising itself. In the minds of
common people, marketing would be “the art of applying make-up to products”, and even to present false versions of facts to obtain some
advantage. Finally, the fact that marketing people have been known, of late, as “marqueteiros”, presents strongly negative connotations.
P. 28
Thisarticlepresents thecontentsof theauthor’sspeechat the IESPM InternationalForum,heldonMay27and28,2002.Summinguphisexperience
asworldheadof creation forMcCann-Erickson,MárcioMoreiradiscusses the fivemain trendshedetected in theworldof advertisingcreation.
1. Thegenerationchange, that substitutesoldcreation icons for newonesof ayounger generation,withnew ideasandattitudes;
2.Thewidespreaduseof thirdparties,wellestablished inseveral countries,where theagencies reduced theircreationdepartmentsandnowcontract
creativeservices from free-lancers;
3. The strong need for integration between advertising and other forms of market communication, with a collaborative rather than confrontative
4. Thesurgeof interactivity inadvertising through theclassical vehicles, similar to the Internet ambience;
5. Finally, theendof theoldmaxim: abigagencycannot beagreat agency.
Márcio recognizes that these tendencies are clearer in certain countries, but states that theadvertisingenvironment inBrazil is alsogoing through
these transformations, althoughat aslower pace.
P. 36
In this article, reproduced from a lecture, Graham Beckett initially concentrated his efforts on the structural changes that are occurring in the
scenarioofworldadvertising, through thewaveofmergersandacquisitions,which resulted in theemergenceof huge international conglomeratesof
agencies. Today, theworld’s five largest groups control nearly 75% of all brand advertising in theworld (except retailing and classified). This puts a
strong pressure on independent agencieswhich have to reposition themselves to survive. Therewill always be room for them, but theywill have to
becomemore creativeandefficient.
Following that, theauthor describes theevolutionof brands, the tendencies inconsumer behavior and thecharacteristics that advertisingshould
present to face thesenew challenges. Advertisingmust take intoaccount that, in itsmost advanced stages,marketing treats customers individually
and interactionbecomes itsdecisive tool.
The next topic is themedia bureaus, which the author callsmedia agencies. These are rapidly dominating the scene in theUS and in themain
Europeancountries. In reality, the largestbureausare linked to theconglomeratesofagencies themselves,offeringsomeadvantages thatarepassed
on to theclients. But the fact is that not all theexpectations raisedby thebureausweremet and themoresophisticatedclientsarequestioning them.
Thechallengepresentedbystrategicplanning follows.According to theauthor, theagenciesaredefinitely losing thisbattle.Theagenciesstopped
being the strategic partners of their clients, who, in turn, started to listen to a new category of professionals: the communication consultants. The
consulting business is growing rapidly, as it facilitates the dialogue between agencies and clients. Naturally, this reduces the value of the services
renderedby theagenciesandaffects compensation fees.
Finally, the author discusses the new nature of advertising creativity and the challenge presented to the agencies tomaintain their position as
leaders in the creativeprocessapplied to communication.
Although theadvertisingpeople inBrazilhavealwaysdealtwithdataon theirclients, theyhadnevermadeasurveyon themselves.Now thereare two
surveyson the theme:one fromESPMandanother fromABP.Thisarticle isasummaryofdataobtained from theonemadeatanational level by IBOPE
(amarket research institute), inJuly/August, onbehalf of theBrazilianAdvertisingAssociation. Thesurveywasmadewithopinion leaders, andwith the
wholepopulation, onasamplingbasis.
There isapredominanceofpositiveopinionsonadvertising. It isbeautiful, intelligent,humorous,modern, creativeandunusual.Themajority regards
advertisingasan influencing factor inconsumers’ decisionmaking.Thecritiquesare that it createsunreachableexpectations for thepoorest layersof the
population, theadsdisguiseor hide thedarksideof products, andare, sometimes, repetitive. TheCONAR (Braziliancouncil for advertisersself-control)
isknownonlyby1%of thepopulation.
Thesurvey reveals twoexpectations:publicutilitycampaignsareofgooduseandshould receive incentives,and theGovernment has to resortmore
toadvertising to inform thepublic.
IBOPE interviewed two thousandpeople, in145municipalities in thecountry.
P. 43